<![CDATA[Dr. D's Ocean Blog - Ocean & Coastal Conservation Blog]]>Mon, 13 May 2024 21:03:31 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Science Works...]]>Thu, 27 Apr 2017 13:06:26 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/science-works]]><![CDATA[IRL Council crafts strong position statement]]>Sun, 31 Jul 2016 14:22:04 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/irl-council-crafts-strong-position-statementThe IRL Council generated a strong position statement about the Indian River Lagoon on Thursday July 28, 2016 that takes a visionary and long view on IRL restoration: Remove-Reduce-Restore-Rebuild-Respond. We are all the problem. We are all the solution. www.irlcouncil.com
<![CDATA[Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge reminds us that conservation land designations and leadership represent gifts to future generations.]]>Sat, 14 May 2016 14:17:41 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/pelican-island-national-wildlife-refuge-reminds-us-that-conservation-land-designations-and-leadership-represent-gifts-to-future-generations]]><![CDATA[Nice piece by Eric Wright for Spacecoast Business Magazine in April edition]]>Sun, 08 May 2016 15:29:09 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/nice-piece-by-eric-wright-for-spacecoast-business-magazine-in-april-edition
<![CDATA[If we can send men to the Moon and are serious about human space flight to Mars, maybe we should focus a little of that American ingenuity towards solving our water and wastewater problems here on Earth?]]>Thu, 10 Mar 2016 00:48:11 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/if-we-can-send-men-to-the-moon-and-are-serious-about-human-space-flight-to-mars-maybe-we-should-focus-a-little-of-that-american-ingenuity-towards-solving-our-water-and-wastewater-problems-here-on-earth]]><![CDATA[The Indian River Lagoon is in full algal bloom to the north and is being devastated by Lake Okeechobee water discharges to the south. It's time to stop kicking the can down the road and get serious about investing in ecosystem restoration.]]>Thu, 03 Mar 2016 02:08:05 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/the-indian-river-lagoon-is-in-full-algal-bloom-to-the-north-and-is-being-devastated-by-lake-okeechobee-water-discharges-to-the-south-its-time-to-stop-kicking-the-can-down-the-road-and-get-serious-about-investing-in-ecosystem-restoration]]><![CDATA[Risk Exposure to Sea Level Rise]]>Tue, 23 Jun 2015 18:02:44 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/risk-exposure-to-sea-level-risePicture
The outer banks of NC are some of the most vulnerable coastal areas in North America. Barrier islands will be the first to experience serious impacts from sea level rise. This is not a future risk. Structures are at the edge today.

<![CDATA[21st International Symposium on Society and Resource Management]]>Tue, 23 Jun 2015 17:04:42 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/21st-international-symposium-on-society-and-resource-managementPicture
I really enjoyed chairing the plenary session and panel discussion on Cities at the Edge at the ISSRM Conference. . Easily one of the best science conferences I have attended. Great discussions throughout the week with numerous students and young professors in attendance. The hospitality in Charleston SC was amazing. 

<![CDATA[Clean Water = Healthy Ocean]]>Wed, 10 Jun 2015 11:32:31 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/clean-water-healthy-oceanPicture
Almost every marine biology and oceanography textbook looks at the water column as a chemistry issue rather than a critical habitat issue. Integration of those two perspectives is long overdue in coastal and ocean science and management. Clean water = healthy ocean.

<![CDATA[Oil Spill in Santa Barbara]]>Sat, 23 May 2015 15:29:59 GMThttp://ddoceanblog.com/ocean--coastal-conservation-blog/oil-spill-in-santa-barbaraWhile small in comparison to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the recent oil spill off Santa Barbara, California has shut down beaches just as the tourism industry enters this Memorial Day weekend.  With reports of as much as 105,000 gallons of oil spilled and only 7,000 gallons of mixed oil and water reported recovered, I wonder if its not time to re-look at federal safety, inspection and spill response protocols for the entire industry A May 23, 2015 HuffPost quote stated that Patrick Hodgins, senior director of safety and security for Plains All American Pipeline, issued a statement in response to questions about the company's safety record: "Safety and environmental responsibility are core values to Plains. Since 2008, Plains has significantly increased its size and spending related to our U.S. integrity management and safety programs."  Hodgins said the company "exceeded the federal regulatory requirement" by inspecting the pipeline twice within the last three years. 

My thought - Two inspections in 3 years...you must be joking. 
